With all that said, I’m still trying to find some semblance of peace, in the midst of pain, confusion and chaos. It’s a privilege I’m beyond grateful to have, even if that privilege only extends to a simple, safe outing at my favorite local coffee shop, with a favorite local friend.
I was pleased to see the majority of patrons at my beloved Brentwood Country Mart wearing face masks, respecting social distancing guidelines and supporting the local businesses we love and cherish now more than ever. This one is an easy one of course to support per my obsession with the vanilla almond latte magic at the most appropriately titled coffee joint, Caffe Luxxe.
Caffe Luxxe has a couple locations near me I frequent on special mornings, however this outpost is by far my favorite given it sits right inside my favorite neighborhood hangout, The Brentwood Country Mart.

Lately my frequent runs to the nicest U.S. Post Office ever, located at yours truly, has proven a great excuse to grab a caffe shakerato or pop by some of my other favorites; Sugar Paper, Goop Lab, Farmshop and Diesel Bookstore just to name a few, who have moved to dutch door service. The dutch door use alone is enough to make my heart swoon.
So when my dearest friend Leila asked to meet up for a socially distanced sip and walk, my heart immediately beamed with joy and excitement to leave the house, wear real-ish clothing and see another person that isn’t my husband.
Please note I removed my mask only for these shots and I continue to wear one while in the vicinity of others as a curtesy to myself, my loved ones and the fellow humans I come into distant contact with. I see it as a small way of showing deference to the world around me, one that is navigating unprecedented times. And I encourage others to also be mindful of those around us. It’s an annoying, but necessary curtesy. I know we are all struggling in some way as a result of these restrictions and I am the first to say I am sick of wearing a mask all the time, but we can’t let that get in the way of the bigger picture, the goal for us all to all safely return to a fuller life, together again. Sipping almond vanilla lattes freely, without restraint, the barista seeing a big smile on my face after making my day that much brighter.

But until that day comes, I’m finding peace in the smallest of places. An outing to a coffee shop, fixing my hair into a decent bun, meeting a friend— the equivalent of going to Prom.
Here’s to hoping we all find our own Prom somehow, safely, peacefully, respectfully Preferably, luxuriously caffeinated.