Monica Gisele Simanovsky

Dear Mamas Out There

May 14, 2023

Dearmamas out there,

No matter how, why or when you describe yourself this way, I just want you to know this; we see you.

We see you and your love. We feel the care, concern and caution, despite what it costs us. We most often see what you can do for us and for others and we are trying our best to evolve past that.

We want to see your humanity too: your complexity, your pain, your passions. We might not know exactly how to do that just yet, because we’re still stuck on the parts of you most related to ourselves: our needs, our judgements and our potentially limited frames of reference for motherhood.

But I can say for certainty that one thing is true, no matter how others see and interact with you and your experience, you define that sacred relationship you created with me. And that will be our special thing, the thing we hold above all else, the thing that natures us but also shapes us for better or worse.

That allows us the opportunity, dependent on what we do with it, to navigate the big world in front of us.

We see you, we see us.

Happy Mother’s Day mamas!

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