From countless seaside walks, lively meals with loved ones, gorgeous sunsets and picturesque backdrops, this town has remained a staple in my life here in Los Angeles for the past 14 years. A slice of California perfection, a place I am so beyond blessed to be a neighbor to and where so many of both mine and Parker’s little community of friends have formed long lasting ties to. We will do our best to mourn what you were as this thriving, kind and peaceful place rebuilds itself, piece by piece.
My heart goes out to all the families affected greatly by these wildfires, I pray to God this devastation prompts some kind of helpful change and resilience across Southern California so that no community has to suffer this kind of complicated grief on this scale ever again.
Los Angeles has such a reputation for all the shiny and shady things reflected on television, movies and magazines, but the reality is this is a city of real people who have all the same needs as everyone else around the world.
Home is priceless regardless of how much its price tag is.
Despite the very real economic disproportion in how people are impacted by environmental crises, we all still value many of the same things, our loved ones first, our cherished and irreplaceable possessions second and our sense of security home is intended to bring us at the end of each day. And for that my heart breaks for anyone and everyone impacted in some way or another by these fires.
With that said, I’ve also seen this community galvanized in ways I never knew possible. From sending an “are you okay” text to completely filling up their garage with supplies ready for families who need them, firefighters coming in to help from other counties and countries, fundraising from near for far away, people are showing up and I’ve never been more impressed and grateful.
We love you Pacific Palisades, we love you forever LA. Wishing everyone healing and hopefulness during this time.