Always the most exciting month… because my birthday is in August, therefore the tried and true Leo in me has always centered each year around this special time. And to be honest, it’s pretty great for us all, let’s be real. Besides my annual birthday festivities, it’s the height of summer, the last hurrah before a beautiful transition into Fall, the season of new beginnings, the appetizer before the holidays. It’s a pretty damn good time of year I must admit and I will do my best to give my future children something similar. But this year, is even more special. As you might already know, I am turning 30, getting married, moving into my first, non-rented home and taking an epic honeymoon with my love. It’s a pinnacle time period in my life, the start of the next chapter, in addition to being incredibly hectic one, and I am just trying my best to live in the moment, enjoy the highs, breath carefully through the lows, and take the ride as it comes. Not every month packs in this much exhilaration, but hey, it’s August! 


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