Instead of banging out nonstop tablescape content for everyone to enjoy, I settled on one fine idea to satisfy all the needs of the season. A festive set ready for any and all fètes! But if you’re still a loyalist to each and every holiday this year check out these tablescapes I’ve created with fidelity to the mold of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and NYE (table) (bar).

Embracing the warmth of the harvest, elegance of Christmas and muted glamour of NYE this table plays the long game, ready to be romanced all the way into February 14th.
With pinky red tones, cinnamon stick place cards and a touch of coral toile I wanted to create a space that was less kitschy and a table simpler, so we can all focus more on being together this holiday season. My hope being that more families can reunite safely as compared to last year and reinvigorate the memory of why we gather in the first place: to brag about one’s accomplishments, JK!

Mine this year being the genius idea to find yet another use for my ice wine chiller mold: a floral vase, this time filled with shimmer roses, cranberries and cinnamon sticks. I wrapped my bouquet with a wet paper towel, given I didn’t’ have a long cylinder vase resembling the width of a wine bottle and it worked out just fine.

And what an accomplishment it was, I seriously think I deserve a prize.

My pink marble horse heads made the journey from my desk, as did the vintage painted tea lights to accentuate the palette I am still so in love with.

And last but not least, cinnamon sticks have found yet another purpose between the months of October and December, place cards! You may have to reinforce them with tape but they have a perfect natural crevice where one can easily stick in a ripped up card stock with a barely legible name scribbled on it. Needless to say everyone found their spot at the table this evening, and left in time for the mold to maintain its shape long enough.

A very very merry fète fète.
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