On my most recent visit to my hometown of Chicago, I discovered another favorite place. Let’s just say the new RH flagship store has put the restoration right into a classic piece of Old Chicago. And the result is spectacular. Enjoy!
The building, positioned right in Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood, was formally a club and home for creative women in the arts, known as the three arts club. The space became a historical landmark in 1981 and has since been purchased by the Restoration Hardware brand with the help of architect James Gillam
The most striking feature of the building is the gorgeous courtyard, now a fully functional atrium with a glass skylight roof. I still can’t decide if its better at night or during the day, but just the illusion of sitting in an outdoor space all year round is a luxury, especially on a dreary day in Chicago’s winter months! 
Did I mention they have added a wonderfully casual and chic restaurant inside the courtyard, rightfully named Three Arts Cafe?! And of course, to my delight, they have yummy grilled cheese with truffle oil on the menu! I just love when uber chic eateries validate my preference for childhood classics, and the fries w/aioli sauce were served in a mint julep cup! Do you see why I love this place so much? 
{ via 3 arts cafe }
How gorgeous is the space during the day? The light alone is a creative’s dream. Can’t wait to come back and grab a coffee with a girlfriend or eat another grilled cheese for brunch! I came at night with my family for dinner and since they don’t take reservations we grabbed a drink first at the bar and explored some of the lovely furniture and decor. 
Isn’t the bar glamorous?! I bet Gatsby would have a similar one installed just for Daisy. I want to come here every morning for coffee and right at five for a glass of rosé! But I’d also take this beautiful porthole bar (below) in a heartbeat, as well as everything else in this wonderful place!!!
Hope you can see it soon, happy weekend darling!

Xx, Monica

  • Pazzta Tali
    January 3, 2017

    When we all introduced ourselves here. We were received warmly by all those who participated in the event. Events at these lofty spaces are a lot of fun, giving access to features that aren't always the easiest to get into and aren't always the most wallet friendly.