The calm before the storm… It’s all about to happen, the holidays that can be oh so wonderful and oh so overwhelming too. I will of course be updating my annual holidazed post regarding my thoughts about not only surviving, but thriving,  during this time of year. But before we get to all of that, I want to take this month as a nice little respite between a crazy end of summer/beginning of fall. Luckily for me, there’s not too much happening this month; no travel plans, no birthdays, no major events, which feels like a great opportunity to rest up and settle in after so many weeks of chaos. We are getting closer and closer to the end of our remodel and start of real living in our new home and I couldn’t be more eager to have a kitchen to eat my take out in. Perhaps I will have to start cooking now? And of course, Thanksgiving is upon us and I will continue to count my lucky stars that I basically married a chef! Happy November everyone. 


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