1. The Fall season (and others to come) 
Who knew how into “seasons” I would be at this age but I guess living in Los Angeles, where there’s really only two seasons, has made me crave the change and tradition of something new and different. It’s funny, I just realized that the movie La La Land divided the plot into seasons, despite portraying life in Los Angeles. I guess we all kind of crave that seasonal change and enjoy the comfort of traditions. And by traditions I don’t just mean the religious type but also the idea of wearing boots and sweaters, drinking warm cider, spending more nights in with popcorn and a movie (a bunch of fall ones here), reading a good book in cozy pajamas, watching the holiday about 300 times in a four month span, or is that just me? So to get on with the point I am excited for it all, the fall movies, the pumpkin patches (yes, they exist in LA), and the general merriness around the city that everyone feels no matter what holidays they celebrate. 

2. The Godamn Pumpkin Spice Latte
Okay so I have a confession to make, three years ago I got addicted to the sugar filled (and God knows what else), enticing, and perfectly seasonal, pumpkin spice latte. As mentioned before, I’m a sucker for traditions and seasons, anything that will take me back to a good memory, like reading books about the Tudor family as a young girl in my canopy bed eating cheese-its and drinking hot cocoa. I have a tendency to be easily persuaded into indulging with the seasons’ offerings, especially sweets and carbs, and nothing reads more “fall” then Gilmore Girls, oversized sweaters and the obvious pumpkin spice latte to me, just like a every other basic in the world. As a result of my obsession I have found a nice little hack because after 4 pumpkin spice lattes this past week I quickly realized I might die at 40. So what I do now is order my usual tall, black coffee at Starbucks but with a light splash of almond milk and three pumps of the pumpkin sauce (now I do 2 but it’s up to you) and wallah! Here you have a much better version of a beloved fall favorite. You’re welcome. 

3. Chicago and Champaign, Illinois
My first college friend is getting married, and doing it at our alma mater of all places. I must say, I was a tad disappointed at first as she moved to the south after school and part of me was hoping for a real southern wedding (sweet home Alabama style). But now I’m excited because it not only means a trip back to my hometown of Chicago but also my first visit back to Champaign, Illinois, where I graduated from the University of Illinois six years ago. Time really does fly by when you’re having fun and I often think back to what my senior year college self would think about my choice to go straight to Los Angeles after college and essentially making my adult life in a brand new city without any intention of moving back home. I will most certainly have more to say in a later post after I go, but I can already feel the nostalgia flowing! 

4. All my recent travels
I know, I know, its fall now and everyone is done with summer, or at least is pretending to be done with summer on social media. But I went on a truly magical trip to Europe and Israel and am having lots of fun reminiscing about all the cool spots we visited. If you haven’t checked some of my posts out yet please do, lots of cool stuff to get you planning your next summer vacay.

5. Back to school, aka, normal life
I’ll be honest, this summer I really lagged on keeping up with my normal routine. I stopped running for a while because it started to bore me and the temps were just too high. I also did a month of barre class before my trip and as much as I loved the convenience of it, I started to get bored of the same exercises over and over again. One of the instructors literally had the same routine and music to pair three days in row before I left for Europe and so I wasn’t that upset about my month being over. Most of my friends were traveling of and on and therefore it was hard to get everyone together for a supperclub. But now that we’re back I’d like to get everyone together for some catch up time. I also want to execute an idea I’ve been talking about forever, a rotating supperclub (or really just a wine and cheese night) at each of my friend’s places. We literally all live within several blocks of one another, and yet I still don’t manage to see them that often, let alone in our own neighborhood. I also would really like to get back into some semblance of a routine: running, blogging and making it to every junior league meeting and book club I can. It’s always so easy to find an excuse at the end of a long day but I have never regretted going to a meeting or taking a run. It’s these things that are the easiest to miss and end up being the most memorable. Fingers crossed this attitude lasts through October!

Happy Fall Y’all!


{photography by Sandy Leshner}

  • essay writing service australia
    September 23, 2017

    I wish I could do something this fun throughout the month but I never get that much time from my day and I can't even get myself free from the family time during vacations.