[bigletter]Well Passover and Easter are here and thus the official start to spring/summer entertaining has begun. Finally the daylight lasts longer, allowing more freedom and time to spend with friends and family and this year’s spring holiday was no exception. I set the table swiftly following a long day of seeing clients, after stopping by the local bakery to pick up some much loved caramel and chocolate covered matzos and a mini flourless chocolate cake. The florals I chose were bright orange and pinky hues that I don’t particular like on any given day but when the late sun hits they tend to shine more brightly, reminding me how closer we are to beach sunsets and some real warmth here in Southern California. And the pairing of a simple, colorful table made even more special by my beloved Ginori china and Arthur’s seder meal of matzo ball soup, potato latkes and matzo pizza landed us all in a good place before Parker’s bedtime. A welcomed mini midweek interlude that landed me some late night treats and a set of inspiration for the next several months. Cheers! xx[/bigletter]

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