{ Monica Gisele’s Desk | Gisele Chic }

My absolute favorite place in my little apartment is here. It takes over half my room but I probably spend more then half my time here! My little slice of heaven, originally created for my days as a graduate student, has now become the happy place where I blog, drink coffee, sign snail mail, write emails, talk to my mother, drool over expensive shoes, pin multiple pins on Pinterest, watch marathons of Real Housewives, and most importantly, find inspiration for all the things I love! Including, for the most part, the pages of Gisele Chic

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When I was looking for my desk I wanted something glamorous but also utilitarian. I have very little space in my room and needed it to hold as much as possible! I chose white so it could blend in with the all the wonderful natural light, but insisted on the lacquer coating for a touch of luxe! One thing I wish to have found back when I bought my current desk was some more embellishments, like the campaign style hardware, mirror surfaces, gold quatrefoils, or bold gold/silver surface like these! I think every piece of furniture in a room should have character, together they can be cohesive, but one item alone should never stand out! 
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As lust worthy as all the aforementioned desks tend to be, I think the biggest splurge should be spent on a great chair! Mine is cute and saves space, but to be quite honest, not all that comfortable. An easy solution is a nice pillow and soft throw, but in person chair testing is really the best way to go. I love a nice animal print, metallic embellishment or anything representing a furry friend! Comfort is the ultimate ingredient for productivity, second to good coffee of course. 
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As I’ve said before, it’s all in the details! Delectable desk decor is essential! I’ve tried my best to maintain a clean workspace but clutter is sometime’s unavoidable, we my as well keep it chic. Paperweights, boxes, gold staplers, oh my! Flowers are a must – fresh ones are preferable but if you utilize both then you can always have something for in between floral runs or both! The more, the merrier! If you have window space above congratulations, if not then there is no reason not to hang a collage of art prints, a french bulletin board and frames with your best photos of loved ones! 
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One thing I absolutely cannot live without are notepads for to do lists! It may seem old fashioned to write things down but I find them extremely helpful when I’m at my computer or work for several hours trying to get stuff done. It’s also very therapeutic for me to cross items off! You can never have too many candles, yet I have too many candles. Trays help so much with keeping all the small things neatly spaced. A Moroccan pouf is perfect for restless feet and just looks great. Topiaries need no explanation. 
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Google calendar will NEVER replace my need for a physical planner! I use both but writing things down is just more tangible! I have several small notebooks as well, but this mini pink ‘besties’ book, meant for keeping friends’ birthdays and party dates straight, is so perfectly sized. The most lust worthy book here is obviously the Smythson. I don’t currently own one, but I can promise you my life will be perfect once I do! My current planner keeps me on time and organized, it’s such a supple leather and looks great with a gold monogram. I’ve had my eye on this sugar paper desk calendar, it’s not as practical a planner but oh so necessary!
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Lamps might be the last item on this list, but perhaps the most important element of a desk! I found so many wonderful and affordable options (all from Target). This is one decor item I have found to be very budget friendly from almost every major retailer. You can never have enough light, but aside from the practicality there are just so many darling designs! 
” She designed a life she loved ” 
… at the most fabulous desk of course 

Xx, Monica
