May flowers are blooming… and inspiring all sorts of excitement for me knowing that my favorite time of year is just around the corner. The summer brings so many beautiful memories, my August birthday serving as the annual climax for all these years. However, I know our wedding and honeymoon will serve as more than just icing on the cake, but before getting too far ahead of myself, May is a great time to reflect and reorganize right now. In so many ways I feel like I am in the thick of it, being extremely busy with our condo remodel and wedding planning, and yet on the other hand, I know these next couple months leading up to a major move and the wedding won’t be any less relaxed. But I guess that is something I am working on, learning how to live in the little moments, despite how overwhelmed I get. Maybe I am just more tired or maybe I am actually learning something with age, but it’s nice to not transfer my worry from one thing over to the next. Trust me, I’m still not that seasoned in practicing mindfulness, but I am increasing my consciousness around it. Hopefully when those peonies start blooming I can peruse the market with joy and a little less anxiety about how well they will look on film. One step at a time, right? Happy May everyone. 

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