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My mother is the hardest person to shop for. Anyone else have this problem? She and I have very similar taste, which is why I am still so puzzled that she ends up exchanging at least 90% of the gifts I give her. That is why last year for the holidays my sister and I decided to change it up a bit and get her a more experiential gift. That gift was a personal shopper so she could politely decline someone else’s ideas. And the result was perfect; she LOVED it and I think has even gone back to the same shopper for more! Most department stores offer this service free of charge and I’d recommend it for any person who loves fashion but isn’t easy to pick things out for. But for anyone else who loves a good gift guide, here you go. My top picks, aka things I would like from my two dog sons who can barely manage to pose for a picture with me let alone get me a nice gift. Then again, snuggles will never go out of style. Enjoy! 
