My 26th year was the year of fulfillment. At 27, I can honestly say in this exact moment in time I am physically, intellectually and emotionally fulfilled. I don’t know if each category is 100% there, 100% of the time, but enough to be incredibly satisfying and keep me positive about the future. So what exactly does it mean to feel fulfilled? My understanding of fulfillment is fluid, variable by the unexpectedness of life. Fulfillment can come in many formats, and for me it came down to these three. Enjoy. 

Let’s start with physical fulfillment. For most of my life exercise and healthy eating has always been about body image, a number on the scale, and images set by the fashion industry standards. These are still big factors, I will admit, however, they are no longer priorities. Within the last year, I tried really hard to look at exercise and eating as a way to feel good, rather then look good. Obviously I am still fashion obsessed and have anxiety about eating carbs and sugar, but I am trying to make health the main factor in my decisions. It’s helped a lot in terms of how I look at exercise. Rather then forcing myself to work out a certain amount of times per week to feel less guilty about eating pasta or focus on the types of exercise that will give me the body I want, I’ve been trying to look at exercise as a way to reduce stress, have more energy, and feel really good. I found running everyday (for the last three months, let’s pray it lasts forever) and occasionally yoga or SoulCycle, to be extremely physically and mentally relaxing. If I miss a day here and there its fine, it’s about the positives associating with running, rather than the negatives of not exercising. I now look forward to it everyday, it’s become a sanctuary, freedom and an opportunity to listen to good music too. 

Intellectually fulfilled for me means having continuous challenges professionally, where I am able to continue learning and developing more interest in my work. I often joke about NPR as being my post graduate education because I think the learning and growth you experience as a student has to find a way to continue in your work. It’s hard to find this at every job, but I also think it’s our own responsibility to make this possible. If it can’t happen in your day job then you have to find it somewhere else. For me, dabbling into two completely different professional worlds: therapy and blogging, has filled the gap and I would even argue, made me better at both. Within the last year I have grown Gisele Chic and collaborated with more people in the industry. What I love about the creative world most is the challenge and excitement of the unknown and because I was never formally trained in  writing, social media or website development, it’s been quite an adventure! As for therapy, it started as just a desire to get a credential, and now I know it will always be a part of my life, forever. Over the last year I realized I needed more of a challenge at my agency, so I advocated to take on extra responsibility and essentially had a whole new position created for me. I feel so blessed that was able to happen and grateful my own desire for professional development was able to be recognized by the company I work for, which I know isn’t always a luxury everyone has. I’m extremely excited for the new challenge and can’t wait to see what’s next. Perhaps I will write more on that, in another post! 

Last, but perhaps most important; emotional fulfillment. I have to admit, this was not a simple one for me this year, perhaps, the hardest of all. I’ve realized it’s hard to let go of relationships that aren’t fulfilling. It’s easier and less scary to maintain them, rather then take a hard look and have others around you accept that. I can completely understand why this is, because we tend to see the addition of relationships as more valuable then the release of old ones. But if I’ve learned anything this year, it’s that it’s okay to let go. And as cliche as it sounds, quality is just so much more important then quantity. The most important relationship I can have should probably be the one with myself, and all the rest, ones that add too, not fulfill, the core of who I am and my happiness. I’ll never forget a quote from Jill Zarin (yes from RHONY, please don’t judge me) “money sets us free, but it’s relationships that make us happy.” I’m hoping to find more great people this year, but oh so happy about all the wonderful ones I have around now. 

Wishing everyone so much happiness this year, can’t wait to see what’s next. 

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