It’s Leo season… And my 30th birthday!!! Since there are so many amazing life moments happening this month {moving, wedding, honeymoon} I am going to do a very low key celebration with a few friends and family. My birthday happens to fall right into my wedding week and therefore I will be saving my cake and champs for the big day. I’ve let everyone know to drop the gifts and just focus on the wedding, including my lovely fiancĂ©. But this blog is my creative outlet, so despite my millions of to-do list items, I have somehow found time to curate a beautiful selection of gifts I would gladly accept, in the hopes it’s fun for you all and perhaps inspires some ideas for a friend, lover, yourself. Or if you feel so inclined, mail me one at 321 E. I’m just KIDDING (but not). Fellow Leos, we’re a special breed aren’t we! Enjoy! 

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