[bigletter]My husband’s company, Drvyer which he started fresh out of college, turned 12 yesterday! In complete awe and amazement of his perseverance and dedication I shuffled to throw together a little celebration at home with our parents to mark this momentous occasion. From it’s inception, creating the customer provided car driving service was no easy task {they drive your car, so you don’t have to}. My husband Arthur launched the service on St. Patrick’s Day in Cleveland, Ohio, believing it would make the most sense in safely assisting its’ new customers arrive home from the festivities of the day. But just like any new business, it took a lot more than green beer and leprechaun inspired hats to find the pot of gold. Undiscouraged, Arthur continued to push forward, eventually finding great success in the company that lead him to Southern California, the place where he met me! After twelve years of hard work, amid a worldwide pandemic nonetheless, Dryver continues on as a true niche in the transportation landscape, a service I of course have used a loved {just a tad biased over here} and would of course recommend to anyone I know for a more luxurious way to get around town. So in keeping with the St. Patrick’s Day theme, I set the table with Spring adjacent greens, rattan and bamboo and of course my forever and always, touch of blue and white for a take-out sushi extravaganza. Oh and of course, there was my favorite marble cake from SusieCakes per usual! The green car {perfectly color coordinated} was the only automobile prop I had in my craft closet, despite the Christmas tree on it’s back! Enjoy![/bigletter]
